Bless International School
Edexcel Curriculum English Medium School in Sylhet
Please fill up the form carefully for admission purposes.
Student Name
Date of Birth
Month JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Date 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
Gender MaleFemalePrefer not to say
Present Address
E-mail Address (Guardian)
Mobile Number (Guardian)
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Which class do you want to admit the student?
Daycare (Age 1.5+)Play (Age 3+)KG Junior (Age 4+)KG Senior (Age 5+)STD I(Age 6+)STD II (Age 7+)STD III (Age 8+)STD IV (Age 9+)STD V (Age 10+)
Do you have any query or feedback? Please let us know in detail.
BKash Transaction ID